Student Management Platform


Designing a simple method for property managers to oversee student tenants.

Collaborating on the architecture

Given the complexity of this multi-faceted platform, collaboration with the lead engineer and CEO was essential. Together, we recognized the importance of taking a step back and thoroughly exploring every aspect of the platform upfront to prevent the addition of missing features later on. To ensure alignment with the rest of the team, I proactively initiated frequent discussions to identify the necessary functionality for each section of the site, leveraging the expertise of both the lead engineer and CEO. To maintain engagement and alignment among all stakeholders, I facilitated the creation of visual representations, starting with sitemaps and evolving into wireframes and high-fidelity mockups. These visual aids provided clarity and direction throughout the design process, fostering collaboration and consensus among the team.

Understandable navigation

One of the primary challenges with complex software is ensuring that users don't get lost when navigating through different flows. To address this, I established a standardized navigation system that enabled users to quickly find the sections of the site they needed while maintaining a clear understanding of their location in the overall process. To make sure that users always had access to the navigation options, the navigation drawer was kept visible throughout their interaction.

Effective messaging was another crucial component of the design process. Clear and concise messaging allowed users to know when they had completed a task successfully or if an error had occurred. This helped to minimize confusion and improve the overall user experience.

Putting it all together

The final step was developing the flows that had been outlined in previous steps. To maintain consistency, I stuck to the design system and foundational UI elements of the site. In the end, users have an experience that allows them to manage massive amounts of students and do everything from issuing invoices to matching them with homestay families. We created a fast and efficient platform that minimized user frustration and allowed them to focus on the task at hand.

Overall, the final product was a sophisticated platform that not only provided users with a powerful set of tools but also offered an exceptional user experience. By prioritizing the foundational UI elements of the site and adhering to our design system, we created a cohesive platform that was easy to use, maintain, and scale.

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Supply Chain Platform